Gabriel's shared items

Friday, July 29, 2005

A lousy end to an otherwise fulfilling week

This week started pleasantly, having celebrated my birthday with some of the people I enjoyed being with, and having my excitement of uni life fueled by meeting the other people going to study in cam.

I also thought I had quite good returns on my time throughout the week. I did relief teaching on Monday and Tuesday, settled my medical stuff in the afternoon, had tuition in the evening, had a good driving session on Wednesday morning, and helped the maths society in the afternoon, relief on Thursday followed by a session of helping my teacher organize a math competition in the afternoon. I had a very packed week indeed.

However, I screwed today up, argh! Turned up one hour late for a one hour driving lesson, because I mixed up the time. It was a circuit lesson somemore! Essencially a wasted trip and a wasted day! My driving instructor was kind enough to make me pay $17.50 for the cost of the circuit, but still, argh... I wasted his time, and mine, and I turned down a relief teaching opportunity for a driving lesson that didn't happen, argh!

The total cost of this screw-up:
+$65.00(relief teaching pay)
= $86.50!!!

Now I'm determined to organize my life. Take it as a lesson, so that I wont make the same mistake in future when the stakes are higher, i.e. in pounds.

Inevitably I felt very heart-ache and quite sad after this incident. Then I recalled the time when I was in NS, dreaming to do everything I'm doing now, and I realized I'm in a much better situation than I was before, and I would be very happy to be in my shoes today than to live like I did in NS. So I did not feel so bad.

Then I wondered: what determines one's mood? Why should my mood be affected by one unfortunate isolated incident? Maybe I should learn to base my mood on something more permanent yet no less real... God's unchanging love and his infallible plan.

But still, after the costly mistake, I felt like I've been spending a lot recently... On Driving, Uni Application Fees, Immigration, Medical fees, birthday celebration, etc. I shall make a list of how much I've spent thus far...

Practical lessons: $23*25hrs = $530
Tests + Registration: $20(Reg fee for AMKDC) + $6(Basic) +$6(Advance) + $6(Reg fee for SSDC) + $20(TP) = $72
Estimated extra cost: $50*8lessons = $400.
Hopefully I'll get my license with around 1k.

Costed me $300 in application fees alone!!!

Consultation: $59.35
X-ray: $29.40
Meningitist Jab: $36.60

Just listing my expenditures down to see where all the money is going...

Another abruptly ended, long incoherent post...


houseowner said...

eh when's ur driving test? can finish b4 going overseas? lol

Gabriel Wu said...

Me driving test is on 20 Sept, hopefully I pass it the first time round! It'll be a useful skill to have, gives you more options when you're travelling :p