Gabriel's shared items

Monday, October 16, 2006

Blog Blog Blog

KK, havent blogged in a while, for the reason that before today there's been nothing in my life worth mentioning.

But, something significant happened today... Had my first lab in a very very long time!

And it was also the first time I was soldering a circuit with full understanding of all the components, and it worked perfectly! And did I mention I love oscilloscopes? How I've always wished to plug the oscilloscope into everything around me, and I get to do just that during lab sessions! Yup, the picture above is that of the circuit I soldered together today, and the circuit diagram from my notes. It's called a "twin-T" by the way, and it filters out electronic waves of a particular frequency.

I also have a really good supervisor this year. He did a phd in physics, and he's now a full time supervisor. Having him for all 3 subjects - physics, advance physics and maths. And supervisions are very interest inducing, and stress relieving, cos he knows about things like string theory and particle physics, and is able to point out how some of the things we're currently covering is going to lead to those intriguing results. All these are signs that this year is going to be a particularly good year!

And had the first cell and CF session on friday and today. The freshers this year are really talented! - spontaneously filling the roles of leading worship - playing the piano and guitar, bible study, and also cooking and cleaning! It's as if there's been an injection of new life into the cell and cf.

And regarding the calander, it's just a matter of getting used to... just like the amount of detail one makes public on a blog.

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