Gabriel's shared items

Friday, December 29, 2006


Anyway, back from London! (finally) Concluding my series of holidays.

Met many interesting people - all Simon's friends - Lip Ho, a malaysian maths major at NUS, Lim Kwan Yew, an AMAZING cook! And Victor, funny guy.

An incredibly fun filled 7 days, from 22 to 29th, and now I'm back!

Ah, visited too many places, and did too many things to blog about everything, guess I'll just let the pictures tell the story...

Greenwich, and Dinner at Simon's place,
staring Lim Kwan Yew, the Master Chef!

Introduction to the vices of London at Lim Kwan Yew's


Me and Baden Powel!

Geese at Hyde Park, all grown up!

Snapshots of London

Dozing off at the British Museum



creature comfort said...

nice pics man! hope u had a great e way, is Mahjong fun? i learnt it in 2006 too..hahahaha

Gabriel Wu said...

haha, yep! learnt to drink too! see me with that bottle of smirnoff ice? heh heh.

Was too drunk to differentiate between a 6 circle and an 8 circle after that bottle :P