Gabriel's shared items

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Mugging Routine

Have been trying to establish a "Mugging Routine" with Aloysius upon returning from London. It's been rather successful so far, managed to get at least some work done, and made really good use of the new inventory items in my kitchen.

The mugging routine is designed to help maximise the amount of time in the day spent mugging, and yet fulfill such mortal demands as food, sleep and entertainment. So far, we've managed to clock in around 4 hours of good work, and one good dinner a day. Hope this is sustainable.

Some of the stuff on my mind now:
Archims - as always, the mailing list and the membership cards.

Mailing list:
Need to figure out a database program, before i'm in business. In the process of exploring openbase... see how it goes.

Membership cards:
Need a printer, a cutter, and one or two guys to help cut and laminate, otherwise it's quite done.

Maths - I've always been very stuck at many places when it comes to academic work in university, but this time think i can identify the places I'm stuck, hopefully the first step to getting it sorted out. I NEED HELP!!!

Partial Differential Equations:
You always use the method of seperation of variables, but how do you determine the solutions after that from the boundary conditions???

Ordinary Differential Equations
Fourier Transform
and do more papers!

Also thinking of a trip in easter. Will have to tie down the details soon.

Bleugh, just scribbling down the things that are on my mind at the moment.

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