Gabriel's shared items

Thursday, March 01, 2007

GIMP, and a little reflection on my ambition

Decided to dabble in photo editing a little.

Just got myself GIMP.


A whole lot of GIMP resources recommended by shawn...

Photoediting would be a very useful complimentary skill to have along with webdesign... Just need the time to pick it up.

And google says I need more programming experience to be hired. No time to acquire that, so I guess I wont be a google engineer unless I make a drastic change in my pursuits!

For now, I still wanna be a theoretical physicist, not an investment banker or a programmer. Had considered the other options as possible detours should the original route be too difficult to make a living off, but looks like it's not so easy to switch either. I still have teaching as a career to fall back on, and I could always go into some kind of applied science research if I find that appealing.

Or I might be a barber! :D

1 comment:

Shawn Tan said...

welcome to the club!!

there are lots of gimp tutorials on the internet.. some are generic, some are photography centric, while others are artwork centric..

good luck!! and show your work when you're done!!