Gabriel's shared items

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

End of Term - a Reflection on the Past, Present, Future.

Just had my last formal lectures today. There's an optional Numbers and Sets lecture tmr. Don't believe I've completed a whole term here already! It's all happening so fast!

Ah, so many things on my mind now...

  1. Sunday - Mathmo Cookout @ Allan's, Homerton Choir Concert.
  2. The term gone by - by God's grace, I haven't fallen the least bit ill!
  3. Expenditure - have spent approx £650.
  1. So many example sheets to catch up on! Got supervisions tmr and on Friday.
  2. Cooking for Cell, gotta get stuff from cho mee's.
  3. Return Lib books and loan it out for holidays.
  4. Pack for houseparty. Get item for gift exchange.
  5. Pack for trip home, Make travel arrangements, sort out documents and tickets.
  6. Go shopping for stuff to bring home.
  7. Prepare for journey home. Find out flight details, change euros.
  8. What to do with my belongings here, my bicycle! How to protect it in my weeks of absense. As it is, it's already rusting quite badly... Maybe will get some oil... and a cover. Find out where people put their bikes for long periods of time. Will also have to see if where I can put stuff.
  1. Driving lessons back home.
  2. Going to Malaysia.
  3. Meeting up with people.
  4. Mugging!!! Really need to use this time to catch up!!! Gotta list down what i'm supposed to know and fill in everything I couldn't follow!
  5. Getting laptop, and other items. Gotta list them down soon! This is when previous blog entries come in handy ;)
  6. Spruce up my blog and my website. Got lots of new links to add and a bit more content.
  7. Upload pics when back home!!! And display the nice ones on prominent parts of my website...
Won't expound on the details yet... just unloading what's bothering me now...

1 comment:

Rex said...

Coming back?
