Gabriel's shared items

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The joy of self-sufficiency and Cooking!

Blogging over a dinner of left over curry chicken and plate of rice with suspicious origin.

Opened the fridge just now to find the left over rice dried up. Checked my damp rice...Smelled quite pungent. Decided I'll do a little experiment and see if these two samples of rice would have any effect on my stomach, so dumped the whole bowl of dried up rice and some pungent damp rice into the pot and boiled them... Just consumed it with the left over curry chicken, which was better than the rice, feeling a bit disgusted at myself now...Originally thought of incorperating the damp rice into the dinner menu tomorrow, but on second thought, I think I shall just dump it (into the dustbin)... eewwww...

Back to what I had intended to blog about - self-sufficiency. It is quite a fulfilling feeling, and there's no way to feel more self sufficient than by being able to meet one's most primitive need for food! Quite happy at myself for learning how to concort a whole meal for myself, by myself - no instant canned food, no maid, and all the nutrition of a home cooked meal!

My family will be so proud of me : P

I came to Cambridge with my barang barangs, and now I'm going home with culinary skills! As Yao Yu puts it, we came here to pursue mathematics as our secondary degree, and cooking as the primary!

Just thinking, after seeing what we can do with the equipment and facilities here, the kitchens we have back home would be considered a luxury! We certainly will be much more comfortable in the kitchens we have at home!

Think I'll help out in the kitchen at our weekly family gatherings! Would be a refreshing change from always playing the computer or being too bored... But the thought of hanging around the aunties and maids for extended periods of time is making me feel quite awkward... Maybe I'll rope in the cousins too!!! Sam, if you are reading this: Muahahahaha! We've just found a new activity!

Can just picture this happening: going out after church for lunch, brainstorming over lunch what we to do for dinner; going grocery shopping for the ingredients for dinner, and carrying everything back to execute our plan! The adults can step aside, and let Generation Y take over the kitchen!

Actually, come to think of it, why don't we cook at cell back home? The easy availibility of cheap, good hawker center food??? We are always looking for affordable, fun activities. Why not cook?! Shall propose this to cell when I'm back home!

Can just hear all the adults cheering at the proposal, and Sam and Jon being a little sceptical, sheryl throwing in ideas of dishes to make, and my sister and michelle just being indifferent. Haha, so looking forward to going home...

Oh no, my stomach is churning, and i'm letting off gas smelling as pungent as the rice I just consumed :S I think I'm beginning to feel the effects of.... Blog later... nature calls :S

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